New super dragon ball heroes episode 9
New super dragon ball heroes episode 9

new super dragon ball heroes episode 9

Demigra steps forward to confront Goku though Xeno Omega Shenron insists that he handle things instead. Demigra explains that he intends to wipe out all mortals as well as all the Gods in order to create a new Dark Demon world full of never-ending fear. Xeno Omega Shenron appears in his Transcended state and Goku steps forward to face them, first asking who they are. He announces that his age will now begin and calls forth evil beings from the Time Scrolls. When Aeos demands it be handed back Demigra ignores her, instead he tells all on how he had waited for the moment for Chronoa and Aeos to weaken before striking. With Goku, Chronoa and Aeos reverting to their base states, the new Dark King, Demigra, steps from the shadows holding the box containing the Time Scrolls.

new super dragon ball heroes episode 9

Goku saves her in time though the blast causes such an explosion it is seen from all areas of the Super Space-Time tournament. As the two begin to continue their battle, the barrier surrounding the Time Nest shatters as a large energy blast targets the injured Chronoa. In the Time Nest, Aeos acknowledges the threat that Goku brings and that for the sake of protecting the "true" history, he must be eliminated.

New super dragon ball heroes episode 9